Vaclav Masek Sánchez

I’m a Ph.D. Candidate at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB).

I’m a Guatemalan Latin Americanist (NYU, 2019), Sociologist (USC, 2023). Here’s my CV, my contact info, and more about me.

I have studied grassroots social movements in post-conflict contexts using ethnographic methods and archives and through the subfields of political ecology and the sociology of development. I evaluate the mechanisms catalyzing democratic backsliding in contemporary Central America. Read my academic publications, public writings, and other research.

I am interested in the conditions that allow for deliberative and participatory democracy to be sustained into the future. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

My Work

Reporting live from Guatemala City in CNN’s Ampour the day after the second round of the 2023 presidential elections.

Live interview with France24 after Guatemala’s transfer of power in 2024.

Current Location

Los Angeles, CA